Love is the foundation of Christianity. Love is the foundation of real life. The love we are talking about is that mighty driving force that causes a person to have a deep abiding affection for that which is right and equally a deep aversion to that which is evil. Join us as we study the…
Our legacy should matter to us, especially when it comes to spiritual matters. Paul encouraged Timothy in this important area – join us as we study the Word of God together in 2 Timothy 2.
Many things are being done today under the guise of Christianity that are not authored by the Holy Spirit. Yet, people are claiming that God is working in their midst performing miracles. Join us as we study the truth from 1 John 4:1-6.
The Lord had John to keep returning to the same three topics: love, obedience, and truth. Each time he returns to a topic, he takes a different point of view and goes deeper into it. Join us as we study 1 John 3:10-24.
Fame? Fortune? Is that our desire? What about our Christian legacy? Moses found that his legacy before God and the Israelites was more important than power and prestige in the world empire at the time. Join us as we study from Hebrews 11.
Are you truly saved? Are you really a child of God? If you were on trial for being Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? A lot of people today are claiming to be Christians while in reality they are merely pretenders. They are not Christians at all. They are Counterfeit. Join us…
What kind of legacy will you leave when God calls you home? Many don’t consider this, but it is important for the Christian to pass on the faith and leave a legacy of following God. Join us as we study together from Genesis 18.
The philosophy of many people seems to be that it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere. They believe that God is not too concerned about what you believe about Him as long as you are sincere. Is that what the Bible teaches? Or is it error. Join us as we…
What kind of Legacy will you leave? Are you intentional in how you live? Join us as we study the Word of God beginning in Joshua 24.
What does God love? What does God hate? Join us as we study this important topic from 1 John 2:12-17.