O Come Emmanuel – The birth of the Saviour – One of the most important dates in human history. Friends, let us remember why we celebrate! Don’t miss it! Join us as we study the Word of God together from Matthew 2.
As we look forward to the Lord’s return and calling up those that believe in Him, are sharing the Gospels with our friends and loved ones? Join us as we study together from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Since there has been a change from the Law to the Gospel which centers in the man, Christ Jesus, what about Israel and God’s promises to them? Join us as we study together from Romans 10:1-21.
Many are confused about the state of Israel as God’s people – God makes it clear in His Word that while they are set aside in the present age, they are still His people and He will keep His promises. Join us as we study together from Romans 9:1-33.
As Christians, we are called to be a thankful people. God has given us much and He blesses those who remember from Whom it comes. Join us as we study the Word of God together from Colossians 3.
In the future of every believer is a day when we will have to give an account of our lives – what are you doing to prepare for that day today? Join us as we study together from Romans 14.
There is instilled within us a deep desire for certainty. Some people will even dabble in the occult in an effort to find out something for sure. Real life is built on certainties that are found in Jesus Christ. Join us as study together from the Word of God in 1 John 5:1-21.
How do we follow Christ today? Do we realize our freedom from sin and desire to follow God? Join us as we study together from Romans 6.
Love is the foundation of Christianity. Christians demonstrating love to each other is emphasized over and over in Scripture and especially here in 1 John. In this passage, we are going to a deeper and more important aspect of our love; our love for our Heavenly Father. Join us as we study this passage together…
God has a plan for you that doesn’t matter what your past contained – will you trust God and let Him control your life? Join us as we look at God’s plan for our lives beginning in Genesis 50.