Redeemed—how I love to proclaim it!Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;Redeemed through His infinite mercy,His child, and forever, I am. We sing often of the redemption we have, but have you realized all that it means? Oh how glad I am that I am forever redeemed!
The Bible is full of words that explain, many times in legal terms, what it means to be saved, yet do we really understand their meaning? In Romans 3:24-25 we see justification used – listen as we look at the meaning!
The God of the Bible is not one shrouded in mystery, but one Who is revealed to us in detail. As we study the detail, we see so much about His love toward us, imperfect that we may be, and how He has a plan for each and every one of us. Romans 1:18-32 reminds…
The Bible is clear that the love of God is great, but did you know that it is so great that nothing can separate us from it? Romans 8:35-39 makes it clear that God’s love is inseparable from us! Yes, we may run from it, reject it, deny it, but God still loves every one…