Christ’s dialog with His disciples in Matthew 16:13-20 reveal to us that it is and always will be Christ Who builds the church. We, by necessity, must do our part to serve Christ, but we must trust in Him to do the building. Are we willing to give it our all today so that we…
Peter asks an interesting question in Matthew 18:21-35 – how many times shall I forgive someone who wrongs me? Forgiveness is what we all need as we go through this life, but more importantly, we need to be forgiven before we enter eternity. Have you asked God to forgive you? Have you forgiven those that…
In Matthew 18:11-13 we’re given the example of Christ going after the one that has wandered off, are we willing to follow this example and do our part to share the Gospel with those we know?
A lack of faith can cause us to sink in the world around us. Yet if we will call out, Lord, Save Me, He will answer. Matthew 14:23-33 provides this great example of our need to keep our faith placed in our Savior as we go through life each day.
As we study Matthew 9:35-38 we see Christ’s heard for the lost as He asks us to pray for laborers to go forth unto the harvest. Let us join together in praying for this great need that still exists today!
The Resurrection of Jesus is what it’s all about, without it, there is no hope, eternity is a loss. With Christ, the hope springs eternal. In Matthew 28:1-20, we read of those who came seeking the Lord, who saw Him, and then who went at great personal loss to share what they had seen to…
The Bible tells us much about what to expect in the end times. In this sermon, join us for a quick survey from Matthew to Revelation.
Reading Matthew 4:1-11 gives us insight, as followers of Christ, on how we should follow Christ’s example in dealing with temptation in our lives. Satan continues to use the same tactics today – will we learn from the example of Christ and keep the Word of God ever in our minds?
We each face the temptation to sin – usually on a daily or hourly basis. How did Christ deal with His adversary in this? Matthew 4:1-11 is provided to us as an example of our need to be in the Word of God and in prayer to rely upon God.
Jesus warns us over and over again about deception. In Matthew 24:4-6, 11, 24 we see some of these warnings to us. Christ reminds us that we must cling to the truth and be so familiar with God’s Word that we easily recognize things that would lead us from the truth of God.