A look at the third of seven Baptist Distinctives.
A look at 7 Baptist distinctives.
Matthew 6:19-34 serve as a great reminder of our need to keep our priorities straight all the way down to the pocket book. We must remember that God gave us all that we have and without Him there is nothing.
Are we walking in and by faith each day? Matthew 14:22-32 reminds us how Peter walked on water until he took his eyes off of Jesus. Yet that is a fact of life, we all look away – but how quickly do we turn back to Christ?
How prepared are we to meet Jesus? Many were not ready to meet Him when He walked the earth and many missed out because they didn’t know and understand the Scriptures. Yet everything He did was for us! In Matthew 21:1-16 we see how they really didn’t understand – yet how often are we in…
Emotions are part of who God created us to be, but emotions out of control are not a good thing. Matthew 11:28-30 remind us of the need to submit our emotions to God and allow Him to direct our ways and not our emotions.
Have you ever thought about the pressure that the world would have placed on Mary and Joseph? The account given in Matthew 1:18-25 sheds some light on the character of Joseph as he sought to follow the Lord, regardless of the cost. Friend, we often overlook the the importance of doing things God’s way –…
Jesus Christ builds His church as we see in Matthew 16:18. In the verses that follow, Matthew 16:24-28, we see our need as members of His church to be disciples of Christ. Friend, are you a disciple of Christ today? Are you surrendered to His will and letting Him have His way with you?
How are we to live in Christ? Perhaps, as we consider Matthew 8:5-13, we find ourselves lacking faith to fully believe in all that Christ has for us? Yet that is what He’s waiting for us to do, trust Him, believe Him, follow Him, depend on Him!
The church is comprised of people who have made a decision about Jesus. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus states that He will build His church. From this we see that Christ will take care of of all our needs as we trust in Him. Are we, His church, ready for His return? Are we doing what…