Sermons on Matthew

Christian Characteristics (Part 9) – Remaining Faithful

Pastor Tim Travis explores the Christian characteristic of faithfulness, grounding his teaching in Matthew 24:42-51 and other biblical passages. He emphasizes that faithfulness to God leads to faithfulness in all aspects of life, including relationships and responsibilities. Travis argues that while the world often prioritizes self-interest, true faithfulness requires being true to God first. Pastor Travis outlines God’s…

Christian Characteristics (Part 8) – Peacemakers

Pastor Tim Travis’s series on Christian characteristics focuses on peacemaking as instructed in James 4:1-12 and Matthew 5:9. Pastor Travis identifies three types of conflict Christians face: internal struggles with lust and pride, interpersonal conflicts within the church, and spiritual warfare against worldly influences. Travis argues that the root cause of these conflicts is rebellion against God, stemming from…

God With Us (Part 1)

Pastor Tim Travis focuses on Matthew 1’s account of Jesus’ birth, emphasizing the virgin birth as literal truth and refuting contrary interpretations. Pastor Travis uses this narrative to highlight the importance of biblical literacy, faith in God’s promises, and the unwavering obedience demonstrated by Joseph and Mary. He connects this historical event to contemporary challenges of faith, urging listeners towards…

Attributes of God (Part 2)

Pastor Travis explores God’s omniscience, emphasizing its comforting implications for Christians today. Omniscience is God’s all-knowing nature, which is shown throughout the Bible. God’s omniscience assures us of our salvation, showing us that God knows each of us fully and offers unconditional acceptance. Pastor Travis further highlights how God’s omniscience ensures our present and future provision, urging us…