When we take a moment to truly pause and consider the magnitude of the familiar passage of Luke 1:26-38, we are often overwhelmed with the wonder of it all. God, our Creator, born in a lowly manger. Yet without these events, we would all be doomed to an eternity in Hell.
A simple thank you goes a long way. How often do we take time to thank God for all He’s done in our life? Too often, we’re more like the 9 that went on than the 1 that returned in Luke 17:11-19 to thank Jesus for healing him. There’s so much to thank God for…
Jesus makes a statement in Luke 12:1-5 that we should all take to heart, in summary – fear your Creator Who controls your eternity. As we learn to love God and walk with Him, we’ll see our relationship with Jesus grow to one of love and a desire to please Him.
Have you ever had someone not carry through on their promise to you? Unfortunately, this is all too common in our world. In Luke 24:13-49, Christ makes it clear that He is the fulfillment of many of God’s promises, and that He will fulfill more in the future. Friend, if you’re tired of broken promises,…
Many times in scripture we see the word repent. What does it mean? Many have applied it wrongly, so let’s look at what the Word of God says in Luke 13:1-5 and other passages and see how it relates to our salvation.
As we continue our study on being a disciple of Christ, we see through Luke 9:23-24 that a disciple is to be set apart. Disciples must be surrendered to Christ and allowing Him to control their lives as a living sacrifice.
While Luke 15:11-32 may be a familiar passage to many, it’s important that we remember the father represented in the story – our Heavenly Father, who always waits with open arms and will run to greet us when we turn to Him! Friend, our Earthly father will never be perfect, but we have a Father…