Fatherhood – what a blessing and privilege it is to be a father! Join us as we study the importance of this role beginning in Luke 15:11-24.
Our Father’s business, there’s no other like it! Friend, God has employed us to reach the world – will we do it? Join us as we study the Word of God together from Luke 2:41-52.
As disciples of Christ, it is important for us to consider the cost and reward of what it means to truly follow Christ. Join us as we study from Luke 14:26-35.
What does it mean to be a true disciples of Jesus? Join us as we study the Word of God together starting in Luke 9:18-26.
The world needs a Savior! Praise God that He provided us with a legitimate Savior! Let’s look at this incredible portion of Scripture together found in Luke 2:1-14.
As we learn to live by the priorities God has set for us, life makes more sense. In Luke 10:38-42, Martha was doing a good thing, but she still struggled to place God first in her life. Folks, let’s all have a heart that desires to serve, but one that also knows when to stop…
Why fear the Lord? Because He is the one that determines our eternal destination! Jesus Christ Himself made this clear in Luke 12:4-5. Friends, have you trusted Jesus as your Saviour today?
Do we let our emotions get in the way of our service to God? Do we allow our priorities to get all jumbled up? Luke 10:38-42 reminds us that we need to set our priorities on God and allow Him to show us what needs to be done. Let us submit our hearts to Christ…
In Luke 19:1-10 is the account of a man named Zacchaeus – we best know him for his stature. But this man wanted to see Jesus, and wouldn’t let the press get in in the way. Friend, are you willing to put for the effort to see Jesus today?
Are you searching for answers? Did you know that the answers to all of life’s trouble are in the Bible? In Luke 2:43-52 we’re reminded of our need to stay close to Christ, not to leave Him behind, and to remember His importance in our lives!