Do we have righteous judgment? We must be careful with our prejudice. We must turn our heart to Jesus and reach the world with God’s gospel message. John 7:1-5 is but one of many examples of how Christ himself was judged by the world and how the world judges His followers today – will we…
Praise the Lord that He regenerates us when we’re saved! In John 3:1-22 we see Christ explaining this to Nicodemus on our need to have the very nature of God placed within us.
When God created us, He created us with an innate desire to worship. God’s desire for our worship is not hidden, as it is clearly called out in the Bible. John 4:21-26 reminds us of our need to worship our Creator in Spirit and in Truth in a manner that is according to His Word.
When it comes to worshiping our Creator, are we on our own, or does He tell us what He wants? As we study the Word of God, we find that we don’t have to use our imagination, but that God has given us instruction for this important area of our lives and relationship with Him.…
Galatians 5:22-26 teaches us of the many fruits of the Spirit that a Christian should exhibit. How are we doing with our long suffering? Are we following God in the area of having solid faith in Him? Do we walk as Moses did with meekness? Christ is never done with His work in us and…
Christ makes it clear in John 15:1-16 – Christians are to bear fruit! There are many different types – love, joy, peace, etc – and winning others to Christ. As we look at the example Christ set for us, how do we measure up? Are we bearing fruit?
Are you abiding in the vine? Friends, fellow Christians, if we’re not connected to the True Vine, we cannot succeed in the Christian life. John 15:1-16 makes it clear that we’re not to go through this life alone, but that we are to be abiding in Christ, so that He can abide in us, all…
The message of John 15:1-16 transcends time as we consider the need for the Christian of all ages to bear fruit. Part of that means that we have to allow the Master to prune us from time to time so that we can grow and be as fruitful as God knows we can be.
In John 15:1-16 we find a familiar passage that reminds us that Christ is the vine, we are the branches. Yet how often do we neglect our source of strength and nutrition and try to go out on our own? We must be connected to this true vine if we hope to bear fruit and…
In John 17 we see the prayer of Christ. As part of that prayer, He prayed for us today, that we would be unified, that we would partner together, that we would hold one another accountable, that we would be available to be used by God. Our responsibility as Christians is to come together to…