Pastor Tim Travis’s series on Christian characteristics focuses on peacemaking as instructed in James 4:1-12 and Matthew 5:9. Pastor Travis identifies three types of conflict Christians face: internal struggles with lust and pride, interpersonal conflicts within the church, and spiritual warfare against worldly influences. Travis argues that the root cause of these conflicts is rebellion against God, stemming from…
Pastor Tim Travis focuses on the Christian virtue of controlling one’s tongue, drawing heavily from James 3:1-12. Travis emphasizes the powerful and destructive potential of words, using vivid imagery (bit, rudder, fire) to illustrate how even small actions can have immense consequences. Pastor Travis highlights the importance of consistent speech aligned with Christian values, contrasting the destructive…
Are you looking forward to Heaven? The Christian should have an attitude of anticipation for our eternal home. Join us as we study together beginning in 1 John 2:15-17 and James 4:1-4.
God comes to us and expects us to respond to Him. He then wants us to come to Him, so He can respond to us. This is an important part of our personal relationship with Him. Join us as we study together from James 5:13-20.
Life is short – have you numbered your days? God reminds us of the importance of setting our priorities and adding Him to our daily life so we can live life to the fullest. Join us as we study the Word of God from James 4 and Psalm 90.
If we want to end war, we must learn how to end the war with self, others, and God. Join us as we study the Word of God together in James 4:1-12.
When we face temptation, God has promised that He is there with us. In James 1 we see that He will provide a way out when we lean upon Him and don’t depend upon our own strength.
One of the most valuable gifts from God is time, it’s also one of the most wasted. In James 4:13-15 , James reminds us of the importance of our time on earth – are we spending it in light of eternity?
Are we caught up in the affairs of life or the affairs of Christ? Are we taking steps to draw nigh to Christ? In James 4:7-10 we’re exhorted to be close to Christ and seek Him out so that we can enjoy our relationship with our Savior!
Being patient comes naturally for some people. Many, however, have to have it now. James 5:7-14 reminds us of the importance of patience in our life and in our relationship with God as we wait on Him to fulfill His promises in our lives.