Pastor Tim Travis focuses on discernment as a crucial characteristic of mature Christians. He begins in Hebrews 5:11-14 to illustrate how discernment involves distinguishing between good and evil, aligning one’s actions with God’s will, and considering the impact on others. Pastor Travis emphasizes that true discernment stems from a deep relationship with God, diligent study of scripture, and prayerful consideration,…
Fame? Fortune? Is that our desire? What about our Christian legacy? Moses found that his legacy before God and the Israelites was more important than power and prestige in the world empire at the time. Join us as we study from Hebrews 11.
Before the rapture, all will face death. It’s not something we like to think or talk about, but it is reality and we need to be prepared. Join us as we study together from God’s Word starting in Hebrews 9:27-28.
Part 3 in our study of the Scriptural role of angels – join us as we study together from Hebrews 1.
The Scripture reveals that God created angels. What do we know about angels from the Word of God? Join us as we study together beginning in Hebrews 1:1-8, 13-14.
Have you ever wondered about angels? The world has many opinions on angels, but what does the Word of God have to say? Join us as we study together beginning in Hebrews 1:1-8, 13-14.
As we look at being more Christlike, we need to lay aside covetousness. Join us as we continue this study from Hebrews 6:1-3.
Our continued look as what it means to be perfect in the Word of God. Join us as we study from Hebrews 6:1-3 and look at our need to lay aside false pride.
While we live this life and seek the perfection of Christ, have we taken time to lay aside rebellion? Join us as we study this need in our pursuit from Hebrews 6:1-3.
What does it mean to be perfect before God? Join us as we study from the Word of God in Hebrews 6:1-3.