Don’t Be a Disgrace to Grace (Part 2)

Adam Umpleby teaches from Titus 2:11-15 and uses the biblical story of Lot to warn Christians against succumbing to the temptations of the world. Umpleby asserts that while Christians are saved by God’s grace, they must actively resist the world’s influence, which he describes as having a prince (Satan), a philosophy, a purpose, and people. He argues that Lot, though initially saved by grace, chose to embrace worldly riches and pleasures, ultimately leading to his tragic downfall. This illustrates the dangers of allowing the world to infiltrate one’s life, even gradually, as it can lead to spiritual compromise and alienation from God. Umpleby implores his listeners to prioritize their relationship with God over worldly desires, reminding them that their faith is a precious gift that cost Jesus His life and that true peace comes from surrendering their will to God and pursuing righteousness. He emphasizes that while grace saves us, it is not a license to sin but rather a call to live a life dedicated to loving and serving God.