In Memory

In this message, Pastor Tim centers on the danger of forgetting God’s past faithfulness. Pastor emphasizes this point by drawing parallels between the Israelites’ experiences and the tendency to focus on present difficulties.

  • The Israelites, despite witnessing God’s deliverance from Egypt, quickly forgot His provision and grumbled against Him (Numbers 11:4-5).
  • Their forgetfulness led to ingratitude, complaining, and a longing for their former lives, even though they were enslaved in Egypt.
  • This forgetfulness, according to the speaker, opened the door to further sin and judgment, as seen in the example of the Israelites being bitten by fiery serpents (Numbers 21:4-8).

Pastor Tim urges us to actively cultivate remembrance of God’s blessings, suggesting a practical exercise of writing down even small instances of God’s faithfulness. This practice serves as a defense against discouragement and the allure of worldly distractions.

Our lesson is from Deuteronomy 4, join us!